Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Oh Em Gee. Do you know who we are?

So I was reading one of my classmates blogs and this kid really got me thinking.. Let me first start off saying that, although this kid will remain anonymous here (as in I wont say his name), I really like him (no homo). He's a good kid and a good writer; BUT I don't agree with him. In his blog post, he talked about how we as humans degenerated and we are now the worst generation and our music and movies prove it. I disagree.

I think we are the best generation. I think we show ingenuity. People say, 'look what used to be on TV. You can't beat Cheers or Beverly Hillbillies'. But I think we do. I think we put stuff on TV that doesn't compete and it gets off the air but we also put the best shows on TV too. Its called testing the market. That would be like Johnny Unitas saying, "your generation has Jamarcus Russel. Mankind is really going downhill". Well Johnny, we also got Peyton Manning; but you don't seem to notice that cause you're kind of a pessimist (no offense to Johnny Unitas).

I think movies like Inception could be considered the best of all time because of the sheer layers in the story. But instead we look at the time period when we name the best. I don't understand how Breathless by Jean-Luc Godard is considered as best as it can get because some arrogant guy cut up his own film with a pair of scissors.

I think we teach evolution and expect us to consider that the human race is getting better and say that we are now managing incredible technological advances and then say that our mind is degenerating. Our films are improving because we are learning from history.

I don't know what to tell you about music. But I think it kind of is just staying steady. I mean "do a little dance. make a little love. get down tonight" can't possibly be better OR worse than "you're a jerk. I know".

In the 60s they looked down on the hippies; in the 70s it was the disco. In the 80s it was the rock phase thing. In the 90s it was the millennium obsession. In the 2000s, its the cell phone craze. I think we have to accept the fact that people from the past generation will never understand the up-and-coming generation.

With that being said, you should probably know that 80s babies are still the best.

*does anybody know what time it is?*

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